For the Peace of All Mankind > 자유게시판


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댓글 0건 조회 360회 작성일 2002-09-23 00:00
For the Peace of All Mankind


<img src=""><img src=""><img src=""><br> <pre> <font color="2f4f4f" size=2> <b>For the peace of all mankind</b> You turned me on so bad that there was only one thing on my mind An overnight affair was needed at the time Hello, goodbye, no searching questions, that was clearly understood But how was I to know that you would be so good? For the peace, for the peace, for the peace of all mankind Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door And let everything be as it was before Too much too soon, too bad it didn't hit me till a week had passed I might have saved the day if I had acted fast I looked around in case you'd scribbled down the number secretly But all you left were fingerprints and memories For the peace, for the peace, for the peace of all mankind Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door And let everything be as it was before For the peace, for the peace, for the peace of all mankind Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door And let everything be as it was before Da-di-da, da-da-di, da-da-di-di-di-di-di Will you go away, will you go away, will you vanish from my mind Will you go away and close the bedroom door... <font color="778899" size=2> <b>Albert Hammond</b> 는... 1944년 5월 18일 런던에서 출생. 하지만 원래 부모님의 고향은 지브롤터로 출생후 몇개월만에 다시 지브롤터로 이주. 1953년 교회 성가대 활동. 이때 그의 친척 아저씨가 데모용 녹음을 몇곡 했다가 알려지게 됨. 친구인 리차드 카트라이트와 지중해일대와 런던등지에서 듀엣, 밴드 활동. 1960년대 중반에 작사가인 마이크 해즐우드와 만나 콤비를 이루어 여러 곡 발표. 1971년 가족을 영국에 두고 새로운 도전으로 미국으로 향함. 1972년 말 "It Never Rains in Sothern California" 발표하여 1973년 히트함. 1973년 앨범 "The Free Electric Band" 에서 "For the Peace of All Mankind" 히트함. 1970년대의 전성기이후 아트 가펑클의 솔로음반 참여, 스페인어 음반 발표, 훌리오 이글레시아스의 영어 음반 참여 등 음악 활동... </font> </pre> <embed src=""><br> <br> Albert Hammond-For The Peace Of All Mankind



자유게시판 목록
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